Home and ARC Race

We’re a few weeks in to October (where has this year gone?!) and officially moved in our new home. It’s a tad smaller so I’m thinking there are some things that still need to get donated or tossed so we don’t have clutter. I figure, if it sat in the garage before, then it can probably go.

Of course I’ve been pin happy, searching for decorating ideas and such. Considerable amounts of searching include the would “small.” But again, I couldn’t be happier with our decision!

Also, last month I ran the ARC race with Colleen. It was really important to me that I ran with her. Only thing was, I didn’t have a jogging stroller and completely slacked going to pick up the one that someone offer to let us borrow. So that morning, we ran anyway. I was planning on walking, until I discovered that I could lock the front wheels. I couldn’t have asked for a nicer day. It was cool, so I bundled Colleen up. Thankfully, the rain held off until we were almost done, so that was incentive to pick up the pace to finish!

I have some big life updates to share, but will likely save that for next post.



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