Life is Why


“Life is Why” is the American Heart Association’s official campaign, and I couldn’t  agree more. 

In August 2014, we lost Jonathan’s mom very suddenly. We all miss her tremendously, but above all, I miss the love she had for Colleen, and now she has to grow up without her grandmother. We walked for her.

Also, my grandmother (mother’s side) passed away on Christmas Day, 2009. Incredibly strong, loving and basically the best grandmother anyone could ask for. I so would have loved her to know Colleen. 

It’s all of the lost time that hurts me the most. What could have been. I miss them both so much.. And we walk in rememberence of them. 


I checked the temperature before we left, hoping that maybe it was going to warm up that morning. Winter has definitely overstayed it’s welcome, and Saturday was no exception! 

That was my only complaint for the event. With so many people at the event, a lot staying inside. (I know I wasn’t going to walk to Colleen! My own hands were in pain from the cold walking in, so I wasn’t risking anything with her!)


We got a group photo, and someone was kind enough to take a family photo! 


Hopefully next year is a little warmer!