Stem Cell Treatment: Round 2

When I first found out about stem cell treatment, I found not only Dr. Shieh, but I found out that Duke would be doing a stem cell study, so I got in contact with them. At the time last year (June), they said the study would likely be sometime this year, so I had a decision to make. Do I take her to Dr. Shieh (at the time, we did not have the funds for the treatment or trip) or wait to see if we could get her into the study. Ultimately, we were able to raise enough to take her for treatment, so I went with that. And at the moment, I’m so glad I didn’t wait! Another IG friend’s daughter was accepted, and I found out that the children in the study had to be less than 60 months (5 years). Colleen will be 7 this October. I’m hoping with this study, stem cell study will become a more common treatment and not be considered experimental. I can’t wait to watch my friend’s journey, and hope they see the same amazing results!

After the success of Colleen’s first treatment, I knew I wanted to continue treatment, so she is officially scheduled for July 12th! I am ever grateful for the help of others as we try to raise enough for her treatment. Last week, I was honored to be granted a Workplace Wish. I coworker nominated Colleen and me, and I couldn’t be more thankful.

2018 has had so much happening (lots of highs and too many lows. Lows that I haven’t discussed yet, but maybe in the future). This treatment brings me so much hope and joy for Colleen. Let the countdown begin!